Soon We Will Be Gone. Destruction is the inevitable fate of most existent things. What we create today will remain only in part. Through the holes created by degradation, new narratives and mystery arise. 

One of three parts, "tear-blocks" explore the idea of weathering and erosion.
A tear block is a stack of 40 sheets of 8 x 5 inch paper glued together and mounted onto a card base. The pages are printed with ancient poetry, abandoned family photos, postcards, and written narratives based on the photographs. This content can only be viewed by tearing pages randomly from the block.
The blocks are placed in public places where people are able, and willing to interact with them. The general public become active agents of random change and as the pages are torn from the printed block, the text and images form a collage of new associations. The tear block form is inspired by the passive collage of subway advertisements as they are torn off and replaced.
The website documented the destruction of each tear block over the course of November, including a “control group” tear block that I destroyed myself (shown in gif above).
For more information on the development of this project, click here.
Tear Block

Tear Block

An exploration of destruction, inspired by torn subway ad "collages".
